Welcome To V mixBest Ready Mix Concrete
V Mix concrete company began its journey in August 2018. We are the leading supplier of the best ready-mix concrete in Tamil Nadu.
V Mix has an excellent testing lab that facilitates to equip the plant made from SCHWING Stetter, which allows us to manufacture superior quality concrete. We exercise the quality control of the highest caliber on all materials through rigorous testing, application of stringent controls on process parameters, monitoring of the key properties of concrete in the fresh and hardened state, and deployment of the well-known custom technique to quickly detect any changes in the properties of the ready-mix concrete. All these efforts result in providing uniform and assured quality of best ready-mix concrete to our customers.

Our Product
Our concrete is specialized and made with a mix of cement

We have a high standard testing lab that facilitates to equip the plant make from SCHWING stetter, which enables us to produce quality concrete. V mix exercises strict quality control on all materials through rigorous testing, applies stringent controls on process parameters, monitor key properties of concrete in the fresh and hardened state, and applies the well-known custom technique to quickly detect any changes in the properties of concrete.
Our Mix Design are done after taking into consideration the quality of locally available the best raw material to meet characteristic strength and durability requirement of concrete as per IS 456:2000, IS 10262:2009, IS 519:1959, etc. We assure the quality of concrete and test result for 7-28 days of compressive strength will be provided.

1. Automatic batching plant of MLC (i.e.,
microcracking and lifetime performance
of concrete).
2. Our transit mixer is furnished with GPS tracking system.
3. We are the only ready-mix concrete (RMC) to have 10 cum capacity transit mixer vehicle in Madurai.
4. Concrete line pumps – SCHWING Stetter 1800 pump.
5. 15 Transit Mixer – 7 cum, 8 cum, and 12 cum capacity based on the requirement of customer.
6. Centralized accounting and monitoring system of operation and accountability to maintain and monitor the operation and issues on daily basis precisely to provide quality products and service to the end user.
Why V MIX?
100% Quality Satisfaction

We provide mix on time

We provide highly competitive price

Highly standard lab facility

We have 2 concrete pumps

We assure 100% quality on all our products

We have 15 transit mixers and equipped vehicles.

Highly standard lab facility